The supposed Awesomeness of Love"?

This is a bit of my life in pictures. I just had to share this with you.
Its been long. I don't know how many times i've typed those very words. But it is as it is. I have no idea what to vibe about right now, so methinks I'll just simply talk.
A part of me can be a very very passionate person, at least when in the moment, loneliness has always been my lot, I've wanted nothing until I needed nothing, so to go without is not an issue, but I can appreciate what's in front of me, I can feel deep love in those actions.
But my kinda love is untranslatable. When you're here, I'll feel you for hours, when you're gone, I'll remember with a smile. There is no pain in my heart, there is no longing, there is no lust. Just simple appreciation for the gift that is 'us'.
Two human beings intertwined underneath the sun, two souls speaking familiar words of eternity, creating energy to be carried for the days to come. Why can't we connect like that anymore? Why is this so rare? Why is all about, wifeys, and babies, and girlfriends and boyfriends? Why can't we just retire to the feelings that can be transmitted between the two races of the human species fora while?
Why can't we just love?
I'm actually quite romantic, but I find my romance shackled by the modern day interpretation of this word. Just because I enjoy kissing your ears, just because I enjoy holding your hand, tangling my legs with yours, talking with you till the wee hours of the morning, tracing your ink with idle thoughts of your deep power plowing my soul...doesn't mean...that I want to be your boyfriend.
It just means that I love you.
Now when I say I love you, it doesn't constitute a wedding, it doesn't constitute restraints of any kind, it just means that my soul loves your soul, my spirit loves yours. My energy fits well with yours, and I love you like I love myself, it just means...that I love the person that you are, and the woman that you will be, it just means that I’m in love with your energy. All the positiveness.
I'm in love with your potential. I'm not afraid of love. Of any kind of love. Because my love frees me, my love brings me joy, my love has never hurt me, my love only soars.
It just means that in the middle of the night, memories of you will inspire me, will bring a coy little smirk to my face, will have me picturing your long fingers tracing their way to the center of my core, seeing your eyes look up at me, your mouth inches away from mine...
Now I can appreciate all of this without the need of confirmation of your own feelings, because in hindsight that doesn't matter. All that matter's is what you do for me, what you create in my life, if you bring joy, then I see you as joy, I don't need you to follow up with any sort of a badge, any sort of a certificate to confirm what I already know.
I don't need a girlfriend. I just need a soul. So stay cool. Let me love you. Let's go back and travel time, fall asleep underneath the stars and let our soul's ride. Give birth to new type of love, to a new type of understanding, don't let this world lie to you, make you believe you need what is unnecessary, make you believe that there are any type of rules to love.
Love has no script, no restrictions.
At least not in my zone.
So fill me with your love, fill me with your thoughts, fill me with that pulse of power and lets create a new language. Have me speaking in tongues. The smile is back on my face, and I wonder if you'll last, or if the magnitude of my vision of this world will go over your head, and you'll be lost to the masses. All I can do is hope I suppose.
Make me happy.
Hope that you understand that I don't need you. I don't want you. I just enjoy you. I want to drink out of you. I hope you can likewise do the same. I hope your LOVE fits with my LOVE. What I understand by it.
And sometimes, you wonder why I say the words, I LOVE YOU so much? I let it flow. I detest fear, and so I love. See, when you love a guy, your girlfriends would advise you to hold back on your emotion so you won't look too crazy, to ignore whatever is going on, because those are the rules. But who created these rules? And what is making you hide those feelings? Fear.
Fear and love have nothing on each other.
this generation has mad fear embed itself to the very begining of love. Fear creates hatred, creates anger, it is love's very opposite in all aspects of this world. So when that fear is born in you, and you don't recognize it for what it is, when you don't see those lies, and you let that fear take over your vision, you lose your capacity to truly love and to even understand what love could possibly be. You take comfort in your deceit, measure yourself and your relationships by other's numerous follies and failures disguised as prosperity, you draw examples from failed kingdoms and believe all you see. But you've never been more wrong. We, have never been more wrong.
Have you loved yourself?
Truly totally fallen in love with yourself. loved yourself naked? Without being burdened down with the total decit that surrounds us a a people? loved yourself without measuring yourself with the acheivements of others? Have you surpassed your innermost fears? You then will see, my dear Prince and Princess, that love is only defined by you.
Don't fucking hate LOVE. You don't understand it.
Understand yourself, and so you will love.
How many people do I like? I love all of you.
Till next time. xxoo.
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