Saturday, 22 January 2011


And so, I'm here again.

Why do I always do this to myself? I never write, I let life pile up & then when I sit down to pen a piece I'm utterly speechless. I wouldn't call this writers block, I'd call this laziness.

Utter laziness.

And I'm determined to end it.

So school’s resumed. And it’s boring. Kinda, just as I determined to spend more of my time in the real word rather than the twitter-verse, It suddenly becomes boring. Anyways, that's why we have music shey? To remind us of those times, those times? Life has sped up since the turn of the year. 2011 looks like a long lean African chick prowling around me in an all white Lady Gaga outfit.

Clearly this year is all about power, clearly this year is all about the end, it must be, the violence it used to make it's entrance shook me enough to have complete faith in this ideal.

2011 just wants to suck my dick.

And, speaking of the real world, it’s a tad bit scary. You know, bridging the gap between my online internet persona, and my real world persona, which are, in essence so far apart, is hugely dick weakening. But hey, I’m wonderful at being such a sucker for those sucking on my big ol' ego. In case you don’t know, sometimes, I get worshipped. And I fucking hate it.

Who hates that?

Wait, sometimes I despise it when people worship me, especially in person, especially when I'm high, because there's not much you can say without sounding conceited and it always takes me by surprise. Do you know how many people I run into with the words “I love your blog” or “I love your Tweets”. They completely shatter the ice for me, and then I can't even introduce myself, or say my name. I kinda feel naked you know? Sucks.

I never realized how much I liked introducing myself to people until the option was taken away from me.

Thing is, I used to have this huge fucking Inferiority Complex which tends to rear its ugly head at very inopportune times, the way these things work… *sigh* And when I get famous? I'm going to go to far and remote countries and lie about my identity I won't. I'll just buy all that land. Yeah, just buy the land build a condo, stay with my baby and shoot any photographers trying to get shots that come onto your property, it'll be in Cambodia or Rwanda or Asia so you can shoot those guys easy.

And school. Well, so much for spending a few days in school, and getting reminded that guys can be huge douchebags? Er, this profound realization, includes even me. I've found the lot of guys that surround me to be complete morons in the face of pussy. It's abhorrent, it's like a drunkard. I loathe pussy-drunk dudes, you know the ones who can't stand straight to save their lives, when their dicks are standing straight? Yeah, fuck them. That's just disgusting, why on earth would you want to have so little control of yourself? And by the way, they become completely unreliable and turn into monsters. Pussy is and will always be the kryptonite of the penis.

Great minds lost completely in the tornado that is fresh vagina, friendships dwindle to mummy-like dust that tastes so bitter in my mouth all because of fresh vagina.

I simply can't fathom how easily they lose control of their senses in the face of vagina. All logic is thrown out the window and to be honest? If you’re gonna be a bitch ass nigga, at least be a sneaky bitch ass nigga, and stop reeling out shit about how you be playing the dudette.

There's no point in lying.

Truth is so much easier. Being yourself? Speaking your mind? Easy.

And by the way, It’s Two Months today since I smoked. Thankful. But then. I resume soon.

Been listening to too much New Age Music.

Ill continue later. *sigh*


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